Saturday, December 29, 2007

Father, help me to strip away the veneer.
Your profound hand, working in the spectrum of my life...
constantly working through the disconnect, adding value to the moment.
A powerful moment that overpowers the painful moments before it...
that not a single moment will be waisted, bringing each one in to connect.

How beautiful the connect.
The grace says so much about You...
but maybe even more about me...

And yet I still find myself denying the glass cage that holds me.
I can so clearly see the promises that are beyond the glass,
and I pretend that there is nothing stopping me from going there.
The reality is, that the measure of my success is almost equally measured by the weight of my desperation... But breaking through the glass means stripping away the veneer and truly believing that what is underneath... although it is broken... it is good. It is enough to break through, in fact, it is the only thing that can break through. The veneer acts as a shield, as we hold on to the hurt, bitterness and fear... like an anti-depressant that protects us from the depths of the lows, but numbs us from the beautiful highs. It's deception is in its weight... such a thin layer... and yet its weight is so cumbersome.

I would love to hold on to it all, but the promises are looking better and better... and to be honest, I'm getting more desperate... and the reality is, to break through the glass, I need a running start.

Are you like me? Needing to strip away the veneer that shields and weighs us down, so that we can gain enough momentum to break through... if that is you, then I need to say something. I truly believe that what is within you is good, in fact, at your core is the proof of the beauty of the human spirit.

So lets strip it all away... with eyes looking past the walls to the promise, run full tilt in the sweet freedom of our redeemed humanity.
Helping each other embrace the crash as we forge a new reality.

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