Sunday, December 30, 2007

My life is a joke!

... but at least it's funny.

You're beauty overpowers me every time. You touch my lips and I instantly feel the soothing chemical reactions relax my brain... as the espresso joins the already crowded conversation in my head. Some voices speak of hurt and anger... but even these are lightened by the humorous atmosphere of the rest. The voices are too loud to ignore, and I find myself getting drawn in to the conversation... not taking sides, but simply listening and laughing along.

To be honest, my emotions are so funny, that I have a hard time taking them seriously these days. I know they also speak deeply of symptoms of the heart as body, soul and spirit desperately try to come up with conclusions and strategies to deal with the messes I get in to... but the truth is that these secret meetings that go on in the basement of my brain have become quite public. If you get a chance to go one of them, you really should. I promise, you will enjoy yourself.

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